What an awesome day!  Recently I’ve reviewed my notes from this past year’s doctor appointments.  Those notes typically contained ever-growing lists of joints that hurt.  In making my notes for this most recent appointment, I realized just how much better I’m feeling.  My feet don’t hurt.  My ankles don’t hurt.  My knees don’t hurt.  My neck/throat isn’t swollen.  My elbows don’t hurt.  My wrists don’t hurt.  My hands don’t hurt – I’m even able to wear my wedding ring again.  Best of all, I have tons more energy.

The checkup with my rheumy went well.  I’ve been feeling so much better that I didn’t realize there were still some tender spots, so was surprised that she found a few.  Maybe that serves as a reality check – no cure, just symptom control.

Since it looks like the Enbrel is working so well, I get to discontinue one of the other DMARDs.  I love the methodical approach so we know what works and what doesn’t.  We’re not making major changes – just one medication adjustment at a time.  Given the side effects I’ve experienced with sulfasalazine, I am overjoyed to announce that I’ve taken my final one of those horrid things.

As a bonus, this means eliminating six pills every day.  Reducing the pill count is nice, but no more side effects will be great!

Thank you for reading.

9 thoughts on “D/C SSZ

  1. WOOHOO! It’s nice to hear good news, so glad for you. I don’t often hear of the good stories with RA. It gives me hope. I currently have zero inflamed joints, thanks to Enbrel as well. It’s only been a few days, so I’m crossing my fingers. Energy is great as well. Ohh, I hope I’m not jinxing myself. Do you keep a journal on symptoms etc.? I just started one last week that includes weather, sleep, and more. Not very fancy though.

  2. That’s just fabulous news, WS! I hope you continue to feel just as good — and better — RA-wise, without the sulfasalazine. Onward and upward.

  3. Socks: Great news that the Enbrel is working so well. There is no such thing as a small victory and this one is HUGE! Hugs and congrats!

  4. Wow! Excited for you! So, are you saying you’re down to just ONE? joint bothering you right now? How’s the shoulder doing anyway?

  5. Pingback: Resuming SSZ « ∞ itis

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