Be Specific

November, I decided, will be No Doctor Appointments Month.

It seemed like such a simple goal.

At least it seemed simple until the past couple days when I saw my doctors.  How does one convey the thought, “You’re a good doctor and a really nice person, but I don’t want to see you for a while.  I’m not talking about a five-year absence or anything extensive.  Let’s just skip November.  One month doesn’t seem too much to ask.”

  • I got my seasonal flu shot.  My PCP is out of H1N1 vaccine and wants me to phone.  Next week.  He must’ve thought I was crazy when I said, “That’s November!
  • I saw the podiatrist again and was measured for custom orthotics.  They should arrive in two weeks.
  • In small-talk with my rheumy’s nurse, I joked about my having designated November No Doctor Appointments Month.  The rheumy seemed to understand, but still wanted a one-month follow-up.

In the spirit of specificity:

  • The H1N1 shot will be given by a nurse.  I won’t see the doctor.
  • The podiatrist’s nurse will see me when I have to go to that office.  Again, I won’t see the doctor.
  • The rheumy’s schedule was swamped so I was able to put that appointment off long enough to push it into December.

I saw no doctors during the month of April; a second month out of the entire year does not seem unreasonable.  I designated November as No Doctor Appointments Month.  I got what I asked for.  Next time I will be specific:  No Medical Appointments.

4 thoughts on “Be Specific

  1. So far, October has been No Doctor’s Appointments month for me, although only accidentally – one of them had to be moved into November. Tomorrow I’m going for my H1N1 shot, so technically I’ll be seeing a nurse, and although I did see my dentist, I’m not going to count that. I think November is going to be a month full of doctor’s appointments, and I have one scheduled for December 1st as well.

    Here’s hoping that your November appointments will at least be brief, simple, and require no follow-up.

    • We have to take our victories where we find them, right? 🙂

      I already have appointments with my rheumy & PCP scheduled for December. I have a dentist appointment, too, and that will require follow-up because I have a cracked tooth (I probably ought to get it taken care of sooner, but I am so tired of addressing health issues that I refuse to pursue anything that isn’t an emergency.

      Only someone who’s in a similar situation could truly understand. I like my doctors, but I sure do get tired of seeing them. Congratulations on a month with no docs!

  2. Smart move. Stay away from doctors if you can. We can be useful for specific problems, but too much visiting us and we are eventually going cause more harm than good. I try to explain this to my patients that think they have to see me for every runny nose. Unfortunately the ones that need to take a month off never do.

    Look forward to hearing about your November. (But don’t stay home with an emergency just to make a point!)

    • Aside from taking half a day out of my life, the problem with doctors is that their waiting rooms are full of sick people! I don’t need the germs.

      Thank you. I’m looking forward to an uneventful November 😉

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